Faraday Effect Experiment


  • Observe the effect of a magnetic field on plane of polarization of polarized light as it passes through a dispersive medium.
  • Measure the Verdet’s constant of a given dispersive material.

When a linearly polarized light passes through an optical medium in a region of strong magnetic field, the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light rotates by an angle. The angle of rotation of plane polarized light is proportional to the length of optical medium and component of magnetic field in the direction of light. The factor of proportionality is a medium specific and is called Verdet’s constant. And this effect is known as the Faraday Rotation or Faraday Effect. Discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845, the Faraday effect was the first experimental evidence that light and electromagnetism are related. In the experimental setup the optical medium is SF6 glass cube.

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  • Modular U-Core design with precise optical alignment – U-Core along with pole pieces are designed with Poka-Yoke principle so that the optical alignment is undisturbed when the pole pieces are moved to accommodate samples of different dimension.
  • Light Sensor: This enables measurement of light intensity which in turn helps in measuring the amount of rotation of plane polarization. The meter reads with a precision of 1 lux. Sensor based measurements eliminate the errors in values due to simple eyesight measurement. Moreover, it provides the freedom to conduct the experiment at any setting of polarizer-analyzer angles.


  • OB1 Optical Bench Set 0.8m 1
  • HA001 Light Source Holder 1
  • HA004 Polarizer Holder 1
  • HA006 Analyzer Holder 1
  • UP025 Electromagnet Set Assembly 1
  • AC004 Glass Block 1
  • HA510 Light Sensor Holder 1
  • PH93225G Teslameter Digital 1
  • PH61035D/7 Power Supply for Electromagnet 1
  • PH61022D/2 Power Supply for Light Source 1
  • DP1 Data Processor 1